Bharat Insure

How To Compare And Find The Best Insurance

04 March 2024Team Bharat Insure
How To Compare And Find The Best Insurance

Due to the constant efforts by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), the awareness of insurance has increased in India. Insurance provides economic stability and boldness in various aspects of life, such as increasing our risk tolerance, giving us peace of mind, helping in asset management, and many more.

Everyone has different requirements, and they require different insurance policies that cater to their needs. As several companies provide insurance in the Indian market, we must research well to find the best policy.

India ranks as the 10th largest insurance market globally regarding premium value. The Insurance market has a wide range from Health insurance, Home Insurance, Pet insurance, Business Insurance, Disability insurance, and Life Insurance etc. With the market brimming with many Insurance policies, finding the best insurance policies that suit your needs and requirements is challenging. Fifteen regulations framed by IRDA regulate these insurance companies.

How Insurance Can Escalate Your Plans

The insurance plans can play a crucial role in your planning. Insurance policies can be used as a safety net to protect your plans from unexpected happenings in the future. For example, a person who has his kids small might want his children to get a top education even if he is not present with them in the future.

For such instances, having insurance gives you a significant edge over the situation. No matter how good your plans are, there will always be many risks. Insurance ensures that even if something goes wrong, a portion of your loss gets covered. This provides the policyholder financial assistance in times of hardship.

Apart from this, we can use insurance plans strategically to reduce our expenses and maximize their benefits. Let's say you are suffering from a specific health condition. By having a comprehensive health insurance plan that covers your needs, you can protect your savings from unexpected expenses due to the illness.

Financial planning is important for everyone , and everyone should plan for their future so there are no turmoils in their journey. While making financial plans, it is important to consider all the current things such as the current financial status, future requirements, and backups if something goes off track.

Saving and investing are good options for growing money and financing your plans for the future. But they still can not substitute the role of insurance. Insurance ensures you do not need to use the amount you grow by investing. Hereby, it secures your investments by providing financial assistance in times of hardship.

What Kind Of Insurance Do You Need Based On Your Situation?

Your need for an insurance policy primarily depends on your situation. Several insurance policies are available to cater to different customers' needs. When choosing the right insurance policy for yourself, you have several options available, and you need to assess your current situation thoroughly. Here are some situations where you would need insurance .

  • Planning for retirement

Planning for retirement is considered to be a good practice. The whole life insurance can help people in their retirement planning. This is because a certain portion of premiums goes into building a cash value that grows at a fixed rate over time. The cash value can also be withdrawn before the maturity time if you need financial help.

  • Ensuring your children’s future

Everyone wants their children to have access to the top level of education. Today you are there to finance the education expenses of your children but what will happen if you are not there in the future? For that, you can have term life insurance for the duration until your children do not complete their education.

  • Managing your medical bills

If you are suffering from some specific medical condition like diabetes, you might need frequent doctor visits, and sometimes there can be expected emergencies because of it. In such medical conditions, it will be wise for you to buy a comprehensive health insurance plan that covers your medical bills.

  • Financial protection against disability

While working in field jobs such as mining, extraction, and mills there is always a risk of getting injured. By having disability insurance the policyholder ensures in case there is any disability caused to him during his job get gets some coverage.

How To Choose The Right Insurance For Yourself

As several options are available in the market, choosing the right one becomes a lot of work. Here is a detailed guide to finding the best insurance that fits your requirements:

  • Examine your needs

The first step to finding the best Insurance is to find out what you want from insurance and for whom you wish it. Analyze what kind of person you are. Are you a business-associated person, a young human who is very conscious about your health, or insurance and for whom you wish it?

Subsequently, the sort of insurance you take depends on your intention. Consider your ongoing monetary condition, issues, and difficulties, and then carefully make your intention. Think about your ongoing monetary condition, issues, and challenges that can happen in your life, and then carefully make a choice. Recognizing your requirements will direct you toward the right kind of Insurance. Your existing financial condition should be a crucial factor to consider.

  • Comprehending Insurance

Before buying an insurance policy you need to learn some basics of the insurance. Several terms are associated with insurance policies, such as death benefit, maturity age, policy tenure, policyholder, nominee, and claim. These need to be adequately understood.

Insurance can be characterized as a settlement between an insurance agency and an individual or the policyholder; in return for the small sum of money the insurance agency takes, it defends the policyholder against any monetary misfortune, harm, or injury in specific situations.

There are a few basic terms that are used generally by all insurance companies:

  • Coverage: Inclusion is worth the organization's guarantees for the policyholder under a few explicit occasions or conditions.
  • Policyholder: A policyholder is a person who pays the premium associated with it. So, they are the owner of the insurance policy.
  • Premiums: Charges are the little installments the policyholder provides for the organization after a typical stretch for a specific time frame. Almost 7 trillion Indian rupees are collected as gross premiums by Indian Insurance companies.
  • Policy Tenure: The period during which a policy is active and insurance coverage is provided is known as the policy tenure.
  • Maturity age is the term used to address the age at which the existence of a guaranteed strategy comes to a close or ends.
  • Sum Assured: Sum assured is utilized to allude to the sum settled upon, which the safety net provider will pay if the safeguarded individual passes on or another protected occasion occurs.

Source: IRDI Annual Report and Top Health Insurance Statistics Of 2024 – Forbes Advisor INDIA

  • Shortlist the Insurance Policies that Fit your Requirement

Choosing a reputable insurance agency is fundamental to caring for your cash. It is not only a decision to make but a very crucial investment. Understand the terms, conditions, and coverage limits to ensure that the policy aligns. Go through the different policies of different insurance agencies. Learn about their other insurance plans and approaches.

Consider every factor affecting the insurance premium that you can pay special attention to, such as monetary plans, client audits, and the organization's working procedure.

  • Compare the Insurance Plans and Policies

Different Insurance plans offer various types of coverage. You have to compare the shortlisted plans on several parameters, like the amount of coverage they provide, key features, the add-on benefits they provide, etc. You can gather quotes from multiple companies to help you find the best insurance you need. This includes premiums, deductibles, and any potential discounts or bundles available. While choosing the best type of insurance, ensure it covers almost all your likely difficulties.

Consulting an Insurance agent is also a good option. You can also use various online premium calculators. These professionals are best equipped with knowledge of multiple insurance policies and plans. They can help you choose the best plan. With a boon in the Insurance world, some providers have started to provide discounts based on good behavior, such as driving safely and following.

These professionals are best equipped with knowledge of multiple insurance policies and plans. They can help you choose the best plan. With a boon in the Insurance world, some providers have started to provide discounts based on good behavior, such as driving safely, following a healthy lifestyle, etc.

  • Evaluating the Terms and Conditions of Insurance Companies

The most crucial step to finding the best insurance is to evaluate all the mentioned terms and conditions. Numerous terms and conditions are attached to financial matters. It is vital to peruse and see every last one of them appropriately. Learn about the policy's exclusions and inclusions. Go through the strategy phrasings of your approach.

Many conditions and circumstances exist wherein the insurance agency isn't bound and responsible for furnishing you with protection inclusion. Many people choose the wrong insurance because they don’t correctly read the terms, leading to loss of money and regrets.

  • Reviews and Recommendations from Insurance Advisor

Before committing to insurance coverage, listen to others' experiences. Give the reviews and recommendations prime importance, as they will help you find the best Insurance.

Listening to the reviews and recommendations of others is a way to sneak peek into the future of your insurance journey with the company. It will be beyond the golden marketing brochures and company pitches. It will give you a truthful experience of the company. If others have faced issues in customer services, claim settlements, policy settlements, etc.,

then it will be a warning to consider making the right decision. These valuable insights will make your decision-making a smoother process. Their insights can reveal the real-world application of policies, the efficiency of claims processes, and the overall satisfaction of customers.

Types Of Insurance Everyone Should Have

Insurance can help cover several aspects of life. Different types of insurance cater to different people's needs. Here is some much-needed insurance for everyone to deal with financial strains under challenging times.

  • Life Insurance

Life insurance is one of the most prominent insurance segments in India. 3 of the four insurance policies sold in India are life insurance policies. The uncertainties of life cannot be predicted at all. You might have the best planning for your future but there are always the risks of derailing. You will not want that if in future you are not there your family suffers or is unable to achieve the goals you planned.

Life insurance ensures that your family does not get into any financial crisis in case you are not there. People buy term life insurance policies to ensure their dependents are secure until they cannot take care of themselves.

Life insurance broadly has two types: whole and term life insurance. Life insurance provides coverage for the entire life. It also includes a cash value to which certain portions of the premiums go and grow over time. In term life insurance, the policyholder is insured only for a particular duration, such as 10,20, or 30 years, and there is no option for cash value. As the scope of the policy is more in whole life insurance, premiums are also higher.

  • Health Insurance

As the name suggests, Health Insurance is another type of insurance where coverage is provided for expenses related to health problems. There are generally three types of health insurance. The first one is individual health insurance which provides coverage to a single person. The second one is family health insurance which provides coverage for the whole family. The last one is group insurance, which is generally provided by employers to employees as employee benefits.

  • Auto Insurance

Auto insurance provides coverage for vehicles. It can cover all the repair costs of the vehicles. It also helps you cover the cost of the damage that your car causes to someone else. Auto insurance is of three types. The first one is your car damage insurance, which covers the repair cost of all the damages to your car.

The second one is third-party car insurance which is made compulsory by the government of India. It covers damage you caused to other’s property by your car. The last one is comprehensive car insurance which provides coverage both for your damage as well as the other’s damage.

  • Home Insurance

Home insurance extends its coverage from real estate properties to policyholders' high-value belongings. It protects properties against natural disasters, fire, burglary, terrorism, etc. It is essential to protect your assets against such events.

  • Travel Insurance

As the name suggests, travel insurance covers you and your family members while traveling abroad or any other place in India. The travel insurance policy offers coverage that takes care of any issues you may face during your trip, such as loss of baggage, flight cancellations, loss of passport, and personal and medical emergencies.

How Many Years Of Insurance You Should Take

It is considered a thumb rule that policies whose premium paying tenure ends before your retirement are deemed to be good. The idea is that they would not need any financial burden after retirement they would not need any financial burden after retirement. It is recommended that a person in his 20s should have either a whole life insurance policy or a term life insurance policy with a tenure of 40 years.

It is better to get an insurance policy as early as possible so that the premiums cost gets locked at lower rates. In the case of whole life insurance, this question does not arise as it provides coverage for the policyholder's entire life. However, for term life insurance, it is recommended to have a policy that has a tenure of 30 to 40 years .

How Much Insurance Can A Person Have

You will need to analyze several things to determine how much insurance coverage you require. But as a thumb rule, we require coverage of at least 10 to 12 times your annual income. You also use methods such as Human Life Value (HIV) to estimate the coverage amount you need and Income replacement, in which you calculate the coverage amount by multiplying the years left for retirement and the existing annual income.

How To Switch Insurance Company

When you have many options in the market as a customer, go for the best option available. You should immediately start switching the policy before the policy's tenure expires and as soon as you get better options. Here are some steps to take to switch insurance policies.

  • First, you need to do market research to find a policy that fills all the gaps in the previous one.
  • Then, you have to cancel the previous policy by contacting the insurance company.
  • After this, you can buy a new insurance policy that fits your needs.
  • Make sure that all the documentation work is done correctly.


Everyone knows the need for insurance. You must buy different insurance policies for different aspects of your life. So, next time you purchase an insurance policy, make a wise decision based on the information provided above. Insurance, if used strategically, can save a lot of money. Therefore, including it in your financial plans is important.