Bharat Insure

Understanding Policies Of Insurance

09 March 2024Team Bharat Insure
Understanding Policies Of Insurance

Insurance is like a protective shield that secures us and our families financially. It can safeguard us in various aspects, such as by providing health insurance against the high rising costs of medical bills, regular checkups, surgeries, etc., and by providing Home insurance in case of any repair or reconstruction of our houses, by providing business insurance for the safety and security of our businesses, etc.

According to Statista, in 2023 alone, over 300 million policies in India, which was 13 percent more than the last year. Understanding insurance policies is a crucial step in finding the correct insurance. In this blog post, let us try to understand the policies of an insurance, what they are, what they include, etc.

What are the policies of an Insurance?

An insurance policy is a lawful agreement between an individual (known as the policyholder) and an insurance agency. This agreement frames the terms, conditions, inclusion, liabilities, and restrictions of the insurance plan. In return for the installment of standard amounts, the insurance agency consents to give monetary security and financial support against explicit dangers or misfortunate occasions as the strategy characterizes.

Understanding everything written in the policies of an insurance and the life cycle of an insurance policy is essential for making informed and wise decisions and ensuring that you get the coverage you need in difficult times.

The four stages of the life cycle of an insurance policy are:

  • Application stage
  • Underwriting stage
  • Policy issuance or sale stage
  • Renewal or continuation stage

What are the Various parts of Policies of an Insurance?

The various parts of an insurance policy that decide the value of an insurance policy are:

Declaration Page:

The beginning page of the policies of an insurance is often known as the declaration page. This page provides a gist or summary of the policy. This page is very important to understand correctly as it includes significant information like the policyholder's name, the type of coverage, limits of the insurance policy, and the time duration of coverage.

Insuring Agreement

This is part of the policies of an insurance which highlights the area of coverage and the risks and the problems against which the insurance company has agreed to give you insurance. A proper understanding of the agreement is crucial as it underlines the circumstances and situations under which the insurance company will pay a claim against your paid premiums.


Conditions specify the commitments and the legal boundaries of both the policyholder and the insurance company that is providing you with the coverage. These may include requirements such as prompt notification of a loss, cooperation from the policyholder’s side in the claims process, payment of premiums, providing of correct information to the company, etc.


Coverages usually cover only a certain percentage of the loss. The amount that

the policyholder has to pay is known as the deductibles. The company and the policyholder must have a shared financial responsibility towards the financial loss.


Premiums are the sum of money that the policyholder has to pay a regular intervals of time. The insurance company assures to protect the policyholder financially against this amount of money.


Exclusions include events and accidents that the insurance company does not cover. It is essential to read, analyze and understand these properly to identify the gaps in the policies of an insurance company. These exclusions may vary with the varying types of insurance. But the common type of exclusions are such as intentional acts or some conditions of wars.


Endorsements or riders are modifications and changes made to the standard policy terms. The Insurance companies can either expand or limit the coverage based on the needs and requirements of the policyholder. It is essential to understand any riders and how they can impact your amount of coverage.

Cancellation and Non-Renewal

These describe the situations and circumstances under which the termination of the policies of an insurance can be either done by the policyholder or the insurance company. The case of non-renewal can occur in the case of the end of the policy period or may be due to the cancellation of the policies of an insurance.

  • Subrogation

Subrogation is the condition under which the insurance company can take any legal action against the third parties or people responsible for a loss after compensating the policyholder for the claim. This helps the insurance company recover the hefty costs.

  • Grace Period

This is when the policy remains in force even if the premium payment is overdue. If the premium is paid within this grace period, the policy continues without interruption.

Analyzing and understanding these terms and conditions of an insurance policy is significant work to do in choosing the right Insurance that aligns with your needs and requirements.

What are the Types of Insurance Policies?

There are multiple Insurance policies available in the market. Various insurance companies are there to provide a plethora of insurance policies. They all have a different sector of Insurance coverage, amount of coverage, the sum of premiums to be paid off, etc. Some of the Insurance policies having various scopes of Insurance are:-

Life Insurance

Everyone wants a safe future for their family and children even when they are departed from the world. Whenever it is a critical situation a dear one has left the world, it is the worst emotional trauma, when the family is already in crisis, having financial issues can turn it into a huge disaster.

Life insurance becomes a financial comfort for the family in times of need. It also assists the reimbursements for things and ceremonial items, helping the family to give a dignified farewell to the departed soul. Along with these services, it addresses any kind of debt we left behind so that our family can pay the due amount.

Income protection insurance

Income protection Insurance helps us to have a regular cash flow in our homes in unfortunate situations when we can't procure it ourselves. This Insurance resembles a virtual guardian who is there to take care of our family and loved ones regarding money in the hour of need. The income protection insurance proved to be of vital importance at that time.

Home Insurance

In the miserable situations of our home getting struck by lightning, getting caught in a vast fire, hitting a flood, or getting destructed and destroyed due to short-circuiting or any kind of natural disaster, home insurance does not just offer financial support, but it also helps us rebuild and recover from these pitiful conditions. If our home is mutilated, it will cover the repair or replacement costs and help us have a home again.

Auto Insurance

The comfort and the convenience of having vehicles combine with a lot of possibilities for many kinds of mishaps that can occur. Maybe we could meet with an accident, or some parts of the car might fail, or somebody could take our vehicle without inquiring illegally, or a giant vehicle collides with our truck or might might hurt someone else.

Collision Insurance or Auto Insurance is a protector and safeguard for our cars. It helps us fix the problem or get another car on the off chance of a mishap. In some cases, it can even take legal action against the third party, which has to incur a loss.


The Insurance policy is a vital part of the insurance-taking process. Understanding and analyzing every single term and condition of the policies of an insurance is very important to have the correct life Insurance. So, be intelligent and wise to choose the right insurance that lines up with your requirements.