Bharat Insure

Working Women Surpassed Men In Life Insurance Ownership

14 March 2024Team Bharat Insure
Working Women Surpassed Men In Life Insurance Ownership

Traditionally, financial planning and security were often seen as a man's domain. For the first time, working women in India have surpassed men in life insurance ownership, signifying a significant shift in financial preparedness and responsibility.

A recent survey by Max Life shows that more and more women are taking charge of their financial future. In fact, 79% of women now own life insurance, which is even higher than the number of men who own it (76%).

This means that women are becoming more prepared for unexpected situations and taking responsibility for their financial well-being. It's a big shift, showing that women are taking control of their finances and planning for the future.

What's Driving the Change?

Several factors contribute to this positive development. Increased financial independence is a key driver. As more women enter the workforce and contribute to the household income, they are taking a more active role in financial decisions. This financial independence empowers them to make informed choices about securing their future and the well-being of their families.

Furthermore, growing awareness about financial products and the benefits of life insurance is playing a crucial role. Educational initiatives by insurance companies and financial institutions are helping women understand the importance of life insurance in providing a financial safety net. These initiatives are dispelling traditional myths and misconceptions surrounding financial products, making them more accessible to women.

Prashant Tripathy, CEO and Managing Director, Max Life said, “As we celebrate International Women's Day, it is important to reflect on the financial readiness of women. The insights from the latest IPQ 6.0 survey underscore the remarkable strides women have taken in proactively securing their financial well-being through life insurance investments.”

“However, the survey also sheds light on the enduring gender disparity in financial awareness. This requires intensive actions to empower women to assert control over their financial state. Hence, the collective call to action for the industry is to support the cohort with tailored solutions that help realize the inclusive vision of ‘Insurance for All ’ ”, he said.

Beyond Ownership: Choosing the Right Kind of Coverage

While the rise in life insurance ownership among working women is encouraging, there's still room for improvement. The survey also reveals a gap in the type of life insurance plans chosen. Term life insurance, which provides a death benefit at a lower premium, is considered to be the most suitable option for most individuals.

However, the survey indicates that women are less likely to choose term plans compared to men. This could be due to a lack of complete understanding about these plans or a focus on traditional endowment policies that offer a mix of protection and savings.

How can we increase awareness among women

The increasing life insurance ownership among working women is a positive step towards financial empowerment. However, closing the gap in terms of understanding the different types of plans and choosing the right fit remains crucial. To bridge this gap, continued efforts are needed:

Financial Literacy Programs: Educational initiatives and targeted financial literacy programs that cater specifically to women can help them understand the nuances of different life insurance plans and choose the one that best suits their needs and goals.

Personalized Financial Planning: Financial advisors can play a significant role by providing personalized financial planning advice to women, considering their income, lifestyle, and future goals.

Role Models and Advocates: Sharing success stories and featuring women who have benefited from life insurance can inspire others to prioritize financial security.


The increasing life insurance ownership among working women is a testament to their growing financial awareness and responsibility. By making informed choices about financial products and embracing financial planning, women are taking control of their future and securing the well-being of their families. This trend signifies a positive shift towards a financially empowered future for women in India.